Office Phone: 303-362-1216


Binns Design Services LLC is a residential design and drafting company that focuses on customers’ wants and needs — we design homes and additions to the client’s specifications while keeping the budget in mind. We collaborate with the client and their home builder to help streamline the design while helping avoid problems during construction. We utilize both Autodesk AutoCAD and Autodesk Revit Architecture software in our design process.

Our many years of design and drafting experience, hundreds of successful home designs, built projects, exceptional whole house structural knowledge greatly elevates us over other residential building designers.


  • Custom Home Design
  • Addition and Remodel Design
  • Basement Finish Design
  • Production Home Design
  • Multi-Family Design
  • Contract Drafting for all the above
  • Structural Engineer Redline/Contract Drafting
  • Photo Quality Renderings

6759 NWH Kitchen

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